Episode 03: Horse riding takes a village. Why it is so important to have a great supporting team around you.


“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

We can’t do this sport alone and there is a village of people supporting us in order for us to be successful equestrian athletes. Having the right group of people around you can change your entire mental and emotional wellness!

If you’ve been feeling stagnant in your riding or in your life in general, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate the people you allow in your circle.

In this episode, I discuss:

  • The limited mindsets of people around you that can be hindering your progress

  • How having a great trainer can change your whole riding career

  • Protecting your peace, what it is and how to achieve it

  • How to tell if someone in your circle is supportive

  • Friendship/Barn/Trainer break ups


Episode 04: Why Equestrian fitness is different from other fitness training types


Episode 02: Pre-show Day Jitters and what to do about it